So I got my hands on the pictures finaly! 🙂
Here’s me in Amsterdam. I just hooked up with my friend Nasier. We had a few hours to kill so we took the time chill a bit.
We finaly arrived at Rome and could feel that we where almost at our destination, only having 40 flight minutes left. But man!. The weather made me nervous. It was raining and lightning and thunder flashed realy close.
But it all went well. We finaly arrived at the hotel realy late (like 1 am or something). The day after we went up farly early to get up to comicon. Here’s some pics taken on the way up to the castle. Both on me and Nasier:
Actually all the ones besides the first one are on the top of the castle. Man, that view was breathtaking! Me and Nasier could just stand there for like hours just talking, having beer and checking out the view!
The comicon was PACKED! all days! realy amazing how popular this thing was!
Me walking with Francesco,talking about stuff.
Some pics from the “Pro area”:
My artworks getting screened:
Some realy cool animators from Milan we met, realy cool guys (nasier to the right)! :
After the first day at comicon we were invited to a realy nice dinner with some of the people that arranged the comicon convention. Realy sweet night! that ended with a giant bomb! :If I knew I was going to a fancy place like this later on I would have dressed up a bit nicer hehe. ah well.. Me and Nasier had a blast anyway..