So it’s 2014 and February already. Making this the first post of the year.
2013 was a big year with a lot happening for DH under the hood. Lots of pipeline improvements, preparing my production company to handle bigger projects. Met with lots of new exciting people and new partners to do work with. 2013 was a quiet year with little information being disclosed.
In 2013 DH also launched its own store selling really cool stuff with my illustrations on them. One thing I’m super proud of and hope will grow into something bigger as time goes by. The store is growing every now and then with more products. So make sure to point your browser to from time to time.
Something great that happened that I think is safe to reveal is that “the Cold” (kylan) shortfilm, directed & produced by Miko Lazic, got finished and are being sent to festivals. I will write more about it in a separate post once we have a first trailer out.
For under the hood, the deadline 6 render manager got adopted and implemented in our farm to streamline our render pipe. We have also made adobe a big part of our workflow. Everything from writing screenplays to vfx post production are now handled using adobes creative cloud apps.
On a personal note I also started taking pictures. Inspirational pictures mostly taken with my phone when out walking or running or whenever I come by somewhere I feel is special. For me this has been a great way to try and open my eyes more to cool things surrounding my everyday life.
So, “The Cold” as mentioned above is done we have now switched our focus completely over to a new super exciting project that I wrote and are directing. A project that has been in development since 2009, the same time Dark Haven got founded by me. I’m not going to talk too much about it but It’s going to have its reveal soon so make sure to stay tuned. Instead of just talking about it I would rather show it to everyone.
2014 will definitely be a louder year! Can’t wait to get to share everything public!
More to come soon!